Rev. Barry Cammer, Master of Divinity and Master of Arts, Pastoral Counseling
I am a pastoral counselor and spiritual director living and practicing in Berkeley, CA with a passion for helping people find their path to fulfillment and abundant life.
A gift that I bring to the work that I do is my ability to both meet people where they are, while helping them move into where they want to be.
"Doing the dance between the already and the not yet."
I have experience working with clergy and seminarians, those preparing for marriage or struggling with their sexual identity, men and women who want to thrive in their lives and understand, at some level, that a spiritual component could enhance their life journey.
I studied ministry and pastoral counseling at Pacific School of Religion and the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley and became an ordained pastor in the United Church of Christ (UCC) in 1987, serving as a parish pastor for 8 years. I've also served as the Moderator of the Northern California Nevada Conference of the UCC as well as on the Bay Association Board of Directors.
I've been blessed to be in a 4-Way pastoral covenant with First Congregational Church of Alameda, New Spirit Community Church, and currently with Arlington Community Church. Although no longer a settled parish pastor, I continue to participate in the life of the church by officiating at weddings, memorial services, participating in worship, and preaching from time to time.
My own life's journey has included self-employment as a gardener and landscaper, YMCA program director, pastor, social worker, and an executive in affordable housing for the elderly and disabled. These experiences have broadened and deepened my life's journey and serve as a touch point for individuals of all walks of life.
I consider myself to be a good listener and dialogue partner for anyone wishing to explore what some call "abundant life."